I'm not afraid of dying, but living in this indifferent world.
People don't seem to care of others. They only look for something useful for themselves.
Today, I suddenly considered of commiting suicide and wondered if there would be someone who grieves the death of me. My family members or friends? No, I don't think they would cry for me.
Now, there's nobody who can cure my broken mind. I, walking on the beach alone every night and looking for someone who can possibly be next to me, feel the loneliness surrounding me.
Sometimes, whenever I want to leave for somewhere people don't know, I could feel the depression deep down in my heart. I want to be a deaf or a blind, so I don't have to stress out and to face this modern complexity.
I often try to be the baddest girl, friend, and daughter in this life. People would think that I go crazy and weird but I pretend not to care about what they say. Getting a weakened mind, I would be extremely disappointed of what I've done. However, as I've missed someone important to me, I deserve to be depressed and out of control for a moment to be free from everything I could touch.
-Written by a torn angel-